
Showing posts from May, 2021

Blog #17: Healing Crystals

 By: Olivia Reina Crystals are popularly known as plain old stones, however, something that many people fail to realize is their healing powers they can bring about. Crystals fall into the category of “complementary and alternative medicine,” which also includes things such as yoga, acupuncture, and other very natural ways of medicine that are good for the soul. Crystals come from ancient forms of medicine from Hindu and Buddhism, though there is no real evidence to prove their powers. Each type of crystal has their own healing capabilities and are used for different things. For example, one of my favorite crystals is citrine, which is known for encouraging positivity and releasing traits of depression and negativity. I wear this one as a necklace around my neck for a constant reminder of happiness and positivity. Some of my favorite crystals and their healing powers include Rose Quartz which is the stone of love, Clear Quartz which is the stone on balance, Amethyst which is the st...

Blog #16: What Triggers Your Serotonin?

  By: Brianna Torres Serotonin is a chemical in your body that sends signals from nerve to nerve. Serotonin can impact every part of your body, but today we’re going to focus on what this neurotransmitter can do to your overall mood. Serotonin is a natural mood stabilizer that regulates our happiness and feelings of well being. Having normal levels of serotonin makes you happier, calmer, and more focused. Having low levels of serotonin can lead to depression and anxiety. Too much serotonin can result in serotonin syndrome and cause diarrhea+vomiting, sweating, muscle stiffness, etc. For me personally, I feel my serotonin being released the most when I’m in nature. A great view really does it for me. I can feel the instant mood shift to the point where I can’t stop myself from smiling. I regularly try to find a new place outside to visit to increase my serotonin. Here are some of the places I’ve been to recently(all in NJ). So now I ask you, what releases your serotonin? Is it a pla...

Blog #15: COVID Vaccine

By: Kevin Paez In 2019, Covid-19 was first discovered, but it didn’t become that serious yet. Later, in 2020 its first outbreak was in China and then became a serious issue. Covid-19 spread all over the world killing millions of people and affecting the economy like jobs, money, businesses, etc. Covid-19 has multiple symptoms that are exposed to people like headaches, fever, loss of taste or smell, body aches, and many more. Moreover, older people or people who suffer from medical conditions like heart or lung diseases seem to be at a higher risk to be affected more.  Afterward, in late 2020 the first vaccine was developed by Kizzmekia Corbett. She is a scientist that is with the National Institutes of Health and she created the Moderna Covid-19 vaccine. When the vaccine was confirmed that it was complete, they shipped the vaccine all over the world, so people would be able to be vaccinated. After, two other vaccines were developed called Pfizer and Johnson and Johnson. Scientists ...