Blog #14: The Importance of Financial Literacy
By: Ikenna Onyegbule At some point in our lives, we all want to be financially stable and have a guaranteed source of income. The most important question is how will you keep your finances in good standing? Financial literacy is a topic that many people are not informed about and don’t know how important it is. Not being financially literate can lead you into credit card debt, bad credit score, etc. I believe that this should be taught in all high schools, right before the students graduate. Schools overall do a poor job of incorporating this into their curriculum but I was lucky enough to be taught it in 10th grade because my school required it. Schools should add more informative subjects like this in their curriculum rather than subjects that have no benefits in the future. Financial Literacy will teach you an array of things you literally need to know for the future such as writing a check/ reading a check, reading tax forms, how to maintain good credit, how to begin an emerg...